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Storytelling Science

From the dawn of civilization stories have been an essential part of human life. They are the means through which societies communicate their history and socialize their people. From childhood to adulthood, we hear stories that have left an impression on us. We know that stories are powerful. Stories draw us into another world; they make us see ourselves in the lives of the characters and the plot. They help us make life-altering decisions, change our views on important issues, and explore new beliefs and attitudes. Stories are entertaining and memorable.

Employing Storytelling in the Business World

The business world is the only place where we tend to forget the power of storytelling. We want to focus on the facts and statistics as we move from one PowerPoint presentation to another.  We have seen that videos created using storytelling science are more powerful and successful than videos that only focus on facts and information.  Customers want brands to ‘show’ not ‘tell.’

Video changes the way we look at the world. It has the ability to influence, inspire, educate and engage while informing and entertaining. It’s the most powerful and effective medium in the world to tell your story, sell your company’s products and services and hear firsthand from your customers on your YouTube Channel, website, social media channels and presentations.

– Chris Quinn

How Storytelling Science can transform your Video

The science of storytelling is the strategic approach to the tactical application of creating stories that motivate, influence and impact behavior. The measurable are those analytics that show proof of concept. The storytelling science employs the power of stories to help brands produce videos that are engaging and memorable with defined metrics to measure engagement, response, and conversion.  At CQ Digital Media, we believe storytelling science should be the foundation of every company’s video. Our goal is to help companies grow their business, gain new clients, focus on retention, and educate their customers. We incorporate storytelling science into every project so that we can help your videos be more effective. By incorporating storytelling science as the bedrock of a sound video marketing strategy, you will: 

  • Engage with your target audience at a deeper level
  • Turn your audience to brand advocates who promote your business and are passionate about advocating your brand.
  • Improve the Return on Investment (ROI) from your videos
  • Set defined metrics that will measure the success of your video campaigns via engagement, response, and conversion.

To learn more about storytelling science and how it can impact your business, watch this video now. 

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Video Production

Video is the most powerful form of content in today’s world. Videos are entertaining, educational and memorable; they engage us in ways that print and still images do not.

Therefore video content that informs, educates, and engages with its customers and prospects has the potential to create full engagement with your brand and products. 

Video Production goes beyond the company-customers or business to business relationship; it is also a powerful tool to communicate with prospects, customers, employees, and partners.

Video increase open rate by 19% and conversion rate by 65%. They know that a video on a landing page will improve conversion rates by 80% and increase the chance of ranking on the first page of Google by 53%.
– thinkCQ

Video can help brands:

  • Tell their stories.
  • Promote/Market products and services, events, virtual and offline conferences
  • Document a conference or event and create resalable or sharable content for the attendees
  • Train/Communicate employees and customers, orientation
  • Fundraising events, campaigns, charity or non-profit organizations,and Alumni organizations
  • Education, patient education and consent, pre/post op, video white papers and compliance..

Now let’s talk about Video Marketing. The cool thing about CQ Digital Media is their sole purpose is focused around bringing meaning to your message.  Whether it’s a video magazine or a video marketing campaign – your message matters.

To learn more about the power of video marketing, watch this video now.

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Video Magazine

The Future of Video Communication

Today, businesses, associations and nonprofits are looking for a way to  differentiate themselves in the marketplace. It will help to improve communications and relationships with prospects and customers (external) as well as employees and sales teams (internal) A video magazine is an upbeat, people-driven program that utilizes the popularity of the prime time news magazines as a way for organizations to communicate and engage with their audience. Think of a video magazine as a combination of a print magazine and a TV channel. It is part 20/20 and part entertainment tonight. To put it simply, a video magazine consists of a series of videos divided in a logical and consistent way into various segments that communicate a consistent message to an audience on a consistent basis.
Today you have one chance to make a first impression. And mostly likely it’s not via face to face, over a cup of coffee or a hand shake. That’s why creating new, relevant, topical content is so important in telling your story to your prospects and customers. And why Video Magazines like 20/20, 60 Minutes and ET Tonight are wildly popular, watched and recognized for their longevity and credibility. – Chris Quinn
These segments include company news, products or service profiles, customer spotlights, roundtable discussions, product promotions, messages from the CEO, interviews with key personnel or stakeholders, case studies,  and sponsored commercials to break up the segments and keep the viewer engaged. A video magazine will transform your current video marketing strategy by helping you create content that will engage your audience, deliver a consistent brand image to your audience, and provide you with measurable results. The incorporation of the video magazine concept with the storytelling science will improve ROI from your video marketing and turn your customers to brand advocates. A video magazine can be the perfect solution for your communication needs. To learn more about video magazines, watch this explainer video now.  
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    CQ Digital Media is a video production company that uses Storytelling Science and our Legacy Compounding Growth System to help boutique investment firms grow and gain new clients.

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